The Institute of Certified Management Consultants of Alberta (ICMCA) is responsible for the initial certification and on-going assurance of competency of all Certified Management Consultants in Alberta.
As a self-regulating professional Institute, ICMCA ensures public and client safety with a responsibility to ensure the qualifications of those holding CMC and FCMC titles and protect against title misuse. In addition, we provide a process for clients or members of the public or colleague CMC’s that see or experience poor consulting practice from one of our registrants, to register a complaint. This then engages our institute to assess the incident and potentially exercise disciplinary and legal action to ensure the competence of ICMCA registrant-members. Although the Alberta government remains ultimately responsible for public safety and well-being, it entrusts this responsibility to professional self-regulatory Institutes such as ICMCA.
As the professional Institute we do the following to protect both clients and the public against poor and unethical conduct by those who are registered, certified members of our Institute:
Confidentiality of Process:
It is important to realize that in filing a complaint, the complainant is initiating a professional conduct review. According to the POAR Act there are 2 stages to our handling of the complaint:
Stage 1 – Assessment of Complaint
Stage 2 – Official Hearing Proceedings
Note: Not all complaints may proceed to an official hearing.
Once a complaint is received by the Institute’s PRDC, they are obligated to inform the member named in the complaint about the details of the complaint. In the notice to the named member, the notice shall include a request for written response to the complaint.
Stage 1 of this process will be handled confidentially with the exception that both the complainant and the member concerned must know all the details of the complainant, the nature of the concerns and expectations of the accuser.
Within 30 days of the complaint, the PRDC must render a decision as to whether or not to proceed to Phase 2, Official Hearings. If the decision is to proceed, the Hearing must begin within 60 days of the ruling to proceed.
Stage 2, should the PRDC determine there is merit to the case and an official Hearing/Inquiry should be initiated; all details of the matter will essentially become public. The consultant in question has the right to defend their actions and know the details of the complaints being levied against them. In essence, the Tribunal proceedings, and the final decision become public. Any penalties assessed will be posted to the ICMCA website.
Further details of such proceedings are contained in Section 3 of the POARA document; and Sections 11-18 of the POARA-ICMCA Regulation 166/2005.
Submitting Your Complaint
Your complaint should be submitted to the ICMCA Registrar who will then immediately forward it to the Chair of our Practice Review and Discipline Committee.
If you have any questions about this process, please contact our Registrar.