Gender Parity in Canada: Intersectionality

Exploring what intersectionality is, what it means to the Gender Parity issue in Canada, and what one might consider in addressing intersectionality in the diversity, equity, and inclusion space.

Organizational Performance: The Effective Managers™ Approach

Let’s examine some companies’ approaches to organizational performance management. 

A Message from CMC-Canada's National Board Chair

As the summer vacation season ends, it’s my pleasure to take this opportunity to connect with you.

The Hidden Risk of Change Management Tools & Templates

Developing the knowledge and skills to build your organizational change management toolkit is worth the effort.

Gender Parity in Canada: A Way Forward

Who better than CMC-Canada’s cadre of organizational and societal change agents to lead this exceptional change management application?

Introducing the CMC Change Management Community

The change management group page is a place for members interested in sharing and exploring ideas on the practice of change management.

Gender Parity in Canada: My Why

When I am asked why I’m passionately active in the gender parity space, I begin with who I am and the many parts of intersectionality that I inhabit.

Introducing the Organizational Performance Online Community

know we will create an amazing discussion forum in this new forum.

Business Operating Models, Explained

Effective operating models continuously innovate, experimenting to address challenges and seek out new opportunities.

Gender Parity in Canada

As a CMC, based in western Canada, I’m leading a multi-year, intergenerational initiative to improve gender parity in Canada.