Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

CMC-Canada’s Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program was established to provide a reporting process that ensures CMCs are maintaining their professional capabilities in line with the Association's Uniform Code of Professional Conduct.

CPD Eligible Activities

(35 Points per year)

  • Participation in Seminars, Workshops, Courses, Conferences, Presentations, Podcasts 

    (0.5 point per 0.5 hours of attendance - Max 25)

    Attended, facilitated and/or structured learning and development activities that either enhance:

    1. functional or sectoral competencies
    2. consulting skills and abilities, or
    3. understanding of relevant work-related emerging issues.

    Examples include:

    • Accredited and non-accredited in-person, distance learning and e-learning seminars, workshops and courses offered by universities, community college, technical institutes, professional and industry organizations and societies.
    • The learning and development portion of luncheon and dinner meetings organized by professional, technical, managerial, industry or business organizations. 

    Your certificate of completion, registration confirmation, payment receipt, notice of event or other supporting information should be kept as a CPD record.

  • Development and/or Delivery of PD via Presentations, Workshops,Seminars, and Courses 

    (0.5 points per 0.5 hours of preparation and delivery - Max 15)

    Activities outside of or not related to paid research, consultancy, education or training. Examples include:

    • A workshop for a CMC-Canada/Certifying Institute conference
    • A two-hour PD session for a local CMC-Canada Chapter
    • A presentation to a local university class about consulting
    • Facilitate/Teach/Deliver a CMC-Canada seminar or course
    • Facilitate/Teach/Deliver a course or seminar on behalf of another technical or professional body, e.g. PMI, APEGA, CPA, etc.

    Record the type of activity, subject, date(s) and duration.

  • CMC-Canada and CMC Institute Involvement 

    (1 point per hour - Category Max 20)

    A) Participation in/on: (Activity Max 5)

    1. the National Board or a National Committee,
    2. the Council, a Committee or a Sub-Committee of a CMC Institute,
    3. National and Institute programs and events.

    Examples include:

    • Participation on a professional conduct or discipline committee.
    • Sponsor of a prospective CMC.
    • Volunteer maintenance of an Institute web site.
    • Volunteering for National or Institute sponsored events.
    • Participating in local chapter events, e.g., CMC awards, AGM
    • Attendance at the National Annual Conference
    • Listening to a CMC Podcast

    Record the meeting or event name, date(s), your role and duration.

    B) CMC-Canada Oral Assessor Training and Delivery: (Activity Max 10)

    • Includes preparation for and delivery of oral assessor training
    • Includes receipt of oral assessor training
    • Includes preparation for and participation as an oral assessor

    Record your role, date(s), and duration.

    C) Participation as a mentor in a CMC Institute run mentorship program: (Activity Max 15)

    • Mentor to a prospective CMC (mentee)
    • Includes attendance at a preparation session

    Record your role, date(s), and duration.

  • Involvement With Community and Other Organizations 

    (1 point per hour - Max 10)

    Participation in/on a board or committee of a community, not for profit, charitable organization or event or other professional or technical organizations that allows a CMC to apply or develop their competencies in a non-work related environment and to demonstrate professional conduct.

    Examples include:

    • Treasurer of the local Project Management Institute chapter.

    • Chair of the local United Way campaign.

    • Volunteer board member of a long-term care home.

    • Returning officer for a municipal or provincial election.

    Record the organization or event name, date(s) of involvement, your role and duration.

  • Professional Practice 

    (1 point per 100 hours of professional practice - Max 10)

    Active professional practice is considered to be a significant factor contributing to maintaining and improving competencies.

    Record what competencies have been extended or enhanced.

  • Other Activities

    A) Self-structured and/or self-directed study or learning that enhances 

    (1 point per hour - Max 10)

    1. functional or sectoral competencies,
    2. consulting skills and abilities, or
    3. understanding of emerging work-related and societal issues.

    Examples include:

    • Identification and study of printed works (e.g., journals, papers, books, manuals, articles)

    • Search for and study of on-line information

    • Audio or video materials

    Record the title, author, subject of the material and duration.

    B) Writing and Publishing 

    (5 points per article - Max 10)

    Writing and Publication of articles in professional publications (printed journals or e-journals) 

    Author/Co-Author of published book or original manuscript related to consulting or consulting area of specialty

    Record the title, topic, publisher and duration.


As a Certified Management Consultant (CMC) you are required to declare, on an annual basis, your commitment to the profession as outlined below.

I do solemnly declare that:

  • I am a Canadian citizen, or lawfully admitted into Canada for permanent residence.
  • I have not had my name removed for cause from any register of any professional institute, society, association, college, university or similar body in Canada or elsewhere except as hereunder disclosed, and I am not currently under investigation for professional misconduct and/or professional incompetence.
  • I recognize the Code of Professional Conduct sets out the professional standards to which all members of the Institute must adhere.

Is there anything in your past conduct that might be in potential contravention of the Code?

No (By submitting your CPD on your member profile you are certifying this response)

Yes (if yes, please explain in detail and email to - please continue with your submission, and we will reach out if necessary)

I certify that I have read, understand and agree to comply with the bylaws of the Institute, including the Code of Professional Conduct, and I further certify that the information provided on this form and in any attached document is correct.  

By submitting your CPD to your Member Profile, you have certified all of the above to be true.

Please select the button below to submit your CPD.

NOTE: You are only required to submit your TOTAL CPD in the appropriate year. Once you click the link below you will be taken to your Member Profile and look for CPD 2024 (or prior years if required) and update your information)