I entered the profession of management consulting after discussing it with Ken Davies of Lumina Consulting Ltd., while I was trying to start the Professional Consulting Program for undergraduate students at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta. What started out as a desire to start a program for students to gain experience at the undergraduate level turned into passion for a profession in which I never stop learning and continue to meet people who enhance my knowledge and experience.
I love the diversity of consulting. No two days are alike; no two clients are the same; and no two consulting engagements follow the same path. The challenges and new learning opportunities result in an energy that I have not experienced in other professions.
As an independent sole practitioner consultant, it is difficult to plan an even workload out, often resulting in taking on many more assignments than I should. But then, that is also the key to building a great, in-depth consulting resume.
My most satisfying consulting engagement has involved a collaborative effort amongst First Nations. There is satisfaction in learning culture, becoming aware of norms, and gaining a shared understanding of the goals and integrating these in the consulting methodology to meet deliverables.
Conscientiousness and openness. Being dependable, disciplined, and achievement focused has helped to ensure excellence in providing deliverables. Being open to learning new things, understanding different perspectives by listening, and absorbing varying viewpoints has enabled me to be innovative.
Book: Start With Why, by Simon Sinek. Luxury Item: My best friend (not really an item but nonetheless a luxury).