Certified Management Consultant provides no-charge professional services to a leading support services network.

The Community Support Services Network (CSSN) focuses on strengthening its strategic planning initiatives, thanks to the CMC ON Pro Bono Program.

Ottawa, Ontario – The CMC ON Pro Bono Program has successfully completed a no-charge management consulting engagement for the Community Support Services Network (CSSN) in partnership with Management Advisory Service (MAS) of Toronto. The CMC Pro Bono program sources management consultants for pro bono help, while MAS is a well-known resource for charities seeking free consulting services. Their collaboration boosts the support available to organizations like CSSN.

CSSN serves as a vital platform for the sector to collaborate, enhance effectiveness and efficiency through coordinated planning, and give the community support services sector a unified voice on important issues within the Central Region of Ontario Health.

The Community Support Services Network (CSSN) is committed to advancing a dynamic and innovative community support sector within an integrated healthcare system, aiming to enhance the health and well-being of our communities.

Nimisha Hirji, Co-Chair/Manager of CSSN, expressed satisfaction with the current plan and is ready to move forward with its implementation. Sincere thanks were extended for all the efforts and dedication to the project, valuing the expertise and guidance provided.

Talha Hussain, a Certified Management Consultant, volunteered his professional services to assist CSSN through the CMC Pro Bono Program. Mr. Hussain described his experience working with CSSN as deeply rewarding and emphasized the significant impact on community support services and overall resilience.

Nimisha Hirji and CSSN are grateful for the support from CMC-Canada volunteer Pro Bono Management Consultants who helped analyze the project and propel CSSN’s strategy forward. The not-for-profit sector is an important part of Canada's social and economic fabric. However, many organizations in this sector are resource-constrained and face increasing demand for their services, often lacking the financial resources to hire consultants at market prices.


Established in 2007, the CSS Network is a self-funded, integrated and collaborative group of community-based health organizations providing community-based health services within the Central LHIN. Our members serve seniors, people with disabilities, palliative clients of all ages and the bereaved. The Network is led by a Steering Committee of eight individuals selected from amongst the CSS Network membership.

For more information, see https://cssnetwork.ca/

ABOUT TALHA HUSSAIN                                  

As a Certified Management Consultant, Talha is most interested in designing the best healthcare system to ensure the ultimate patient experience and outcomes.

For more information, see https://www.linkedin.com/in/talhahussain/


The Canadian Association of Management Consultants (CMC-Canada) fosters excellence and integrity in the management consulting profession. CMC-Canada administers, and its provincial Institutes confer, the Certified Management Consultant (CMC) designation in Canada. The Association and its 2500+ members advocate for the CMC designation and are dedicated to advancing the profession and delivering the benefits of these efforts to the client community.

CMC-Canada is a founding member of the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes (ICMCI), now CMC-Global.

For more information, see https://cmc-canada.ca

“CMC” and “Certified Management Consultant” are registered trademarks of the Canadian Association of Management Consultants