2023 Call for Public Director Nominations

As part of CMC-Canada’s call for 2023 National Board Nominations, we are seeking a new Public Director. The Public Director will serve a two-year term, starting April 18, 2023.

A candidate for the role of Public Director shall not be a member of CMC-Canada or of any of the certifying institutes.  The Public Director does not hold any other consulting related credential, and is not a member of any association that serves the interest of any consulting services provider.

The role of the Public Director is to:

  • Ensure that the public interest perspective is directly represented at CMC-Canada
  • Add his/her own specialized expertise to the CMC-Canada Board meetings
  • Understand the role of management consultants, and the importance of working with consultants, from a client perspective.

As per CMC-Canada’s Bylaws: “No person shall be nominated for election as a director if that person is less than eighteen (18) years of age, of unsound mind and has been so found by a court in Canada or elsewhere, or has the status of undischarged bankrupt.”  

If you are interested in serving as the next Public Director, please complete the nomination form here, or use the button below:
