CMC Pro Bono Consulting Program for Charitable Organizations

The goal of the CMC Pro Bono Program is to empower small, established charities by providing them with volunteer CMC management consultants at no cost, enabling them to achieve their goals. Our volunteer consultants work with a charities executive team to provide expert advice, guidance, and oversight in the areas of strategic planning, finance, human resources, IT, etc.  


In order to qualify as a small established charitable organization, you must be registered as a charity federally with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) or provincially, depending on where you operate, have an annual budget of $1,000,000 or less, be willing to spend up to 20 hours working with a volunteer CMC consultant, and have a specific project in mind that aligns with your organization's overall strategy.

The Application Process  

We are accepting applications from Executive Directors or senior board members on a rolling basis. If you want to be considered for the program, please fill out the application details below and submit. A program member will contact you directly to review your application.

Once we match organizations with a volunteer Certified Management Consultant for their specific project needs, we will make introductions. The consultant will interview you regarding your project’s specific requirements. Your organization must sign a short boilerplate contract before work can commence. There will be no charge for the professional services provided by the consultant.

Any questions about the program should be directed to:


News Release:  CMC-Ontario Pro Bono Program works with 360o kids read full release...

News Release:  CMC-Ontario Pro Bono Consulting Program at St. James Town Community Co-op.

News Release:  CMC-Ontario Pro Bono Consulting Program at Slay Society.